Our Incredible Partners and Sponsors

Together, we’re making a difference for families facing pediatric illness. Explore our partnerships, sponsors, and how you can join our mission.

Our Hospital Partners

The Big Z Foundation provides financial support through grants to families with a child diagnosed with a catastrophic pediatric illness at one of our partnering children’s hospitals:

Children’s Health, Dallas
Dana Farber Boston Children’s Hospital
Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt

Since its establishment in 2018, the generous contributions from donors and sponsors have enabled Big Z Foundation to grow from serving just one hospital and providing 12 grants per year to currently serving three hospitals and providing 5 families with $1200 grants per month (60 annually). The goal is to continue adding grants to serve more and more families in need every year.

The Big Z Impact

  • “The Pediatric Resource Program at the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer & Blood Disorders Center is thrilled to be working with the Big Z Foundation. Providing expert medical care to our patients often involves helping families that are struggling financially. Some families arrive at our doorstep with financial challenges and many others experience financial hardship once their child’s treatment has begun. This hardship not only causes great distress and anxiety, but it can also create barriers to care and even affect outcomes. The assistance that the Big Z Foundation provides to our patients-families is truly an important part of their treatment.”

    Joe Chabot, Pediatric Resource Program Director Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer & Blood Disorders Center

  • “Lorenza is a spunky three-year-old little girl who was diagnosed with cancer just before her first birthday. She received treatment but sadly her cancer returned just after she turned two. How did her family survive? Love, persistence, and financial assistance from the Big Z Foundation. This assistance not only paid bills, but also provided encouragement and hope that someone who had walked in their shoes was fighting alongside them. Thank you for changing lives, and offering hope.”

    Diane McGinnis, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders Children’s Medical Center Dallas

  • “J.’s Grandmother is raising her three grandsons and works full time. She has navigated J.’s treatment, radiation, and chemotherapy for almost a year. During this time, she lost wages. The Big Z Foundation put money in her pocket, and she was able to keep up with bills. She is incredibly grateful for your generous grant! J is most grateful for the #Hoeflerstrong bracelets! He and his brothers wear them proudly!”

    Kate Sciacia, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Children’s Medical Center Dallas

Thank You to Our Sponsors

The Big Z Foundation wouldn’t be what it is without the generous support of our friends all across the USA.

We would be honored if you would join our amazing team of sponsors. If you are interested in becoming
an individual, group, or company donor/sponsor,
please contact the Big Z Foundation.

Premier Donors/Sponsors

Donor/Sponsor Partners